I slept in quite late yesterday, and later went on a walk into town with Hungary. She and I are planning a trip to Stratford-Upon-Avon for next Saturday! It will be our first UK outing. I'm pretty excited for our trip, I will have to research what plays are on and where to eat and when to get the bus!
Later on, The Mum and The Dad went to a party in London, so I was left to have a movie night with the kiddies. I was surprised at how well Youngest went to bed for me! He let me put on his nappy and brush his teeth and everything. He even went right to sleep! Then, I got the junkfood out and I let the girls choose a movie. Bizarrely, they chose 'Big Mama's House 2'… Middle and Oldest were pretty well behaved, too— oh, apart from these toys Oldest had. I guess she had a bit of pocket money and decided to get these powerful magnets that make a horrible, jarring bang when she tosses them in the air. They gave me the mother of all headaches!!
This morning, Youngest was calling 'Mummy! Daddy' at 6:30 this morning! His parents didn't get in until half 3 (3:30 am), so I let them have a bit of a lie-in. Igot up with Youngest and put on his favourite show 'Little Einsteins'. Later on, I went to church— same place as last week— where I was invited to a free lunch for students and 20's. It was great, because I got to meet a lot of people my own age. I am excited to be apart of their community. I am looking forward to getting to know them (even though most of them thought I was a 'fresher' (frosh) and American, hehe).
When I got home from lunch, I found that my Lovely Co-Director from camp had posted a whole bunch of photos from this summer on facebook! It was really nice to look through her photos, because I have been feeling just a little bit homesick this weekend. I keep checking my email hoping to hear from home. But these pictures really made me laugh and remember how fun and ridiculous camp was this summer! So, here's a shout out to Golden Lake Perm Staff 2009: You guys are all awesome and I miss you a lot! I hope you have a wonderful year at school!
Here are a few of my favourites:

Obvious request number 1: "I've been checking my e-mail every day hoping to get one from home".... ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! kidding ;)
When missing home, the best thing is to keep yourself busy and your mind off home. This is one of those times when ignoring it and hoping it will go away, works. No more slacking with the posts, please.
Okay, Okay, I didn't mean for it to sound like a request. I was just illustrating my feelings that I am excited to be meeting new people BECAUSE of my preoccupation with home. Geez Louise, man.
Thanks for commenting!
Haha, bokay.
i'm so glad you are meeting people and finally getting to travel! plus it sounds like you are kick ass at being an au pair!
i had a cry about how much i miss you today. it was sad.
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