Here I am in my new bedroom in Birmingham! I have been here for two whole days and it has been a LOT to take in! The children are wonderful! They are so excited to show me around and to have me help them with their homework. But, they are siblings, so sometimes they don't always get on that well, which is to be expected. There is a lot for me to learn about these three, like what they are allowed and not allowed to do. I'll have to be careful not to be a pushover.
Their current au pair is lovely. She has so much patience when showing me around. Today, she took me into the city centre, where I saw the 'Bull Ring', a huge mall where I will no doubt spend hundreds of pounds… maybe I should steer clear of the Bull Ring. She also took me to meet her friends at her drama group, The Moorpool Players. They are a great bunch! Even though I'm the worst actor of life, I might hang around with them once in a while… maybe I can help out with sets and programs.
I learned, yesterday, that all three children go to school in a neighborhood that is much too far to walk to, so I will be taking driving lessons in the coming weeks, in order to be able to drive on English roads. This will be an adventure, as I already find it awkward even sitting on the left side of the car as a passenger!
I also got a UK cellphone today! I've got a pay-as-you-go plan that gives me inexpensive international texting! Let me know if you want my new number!
I'd better get to bed, I'm still a little jet-lagged!
Glad you are getting settled in! We miss you already.
Mom & Dad i was right about you having to drive!!!! you'll be fine. it's not so bad.
the kids sound great and your room is sooooooo pretty!!!! can't wait to see more pics of your trip!
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