Today was another domes

I also sorted out my baggage issue! The nice man at British Airways informed me that I didn't even need to fill out the confusing set of forms that was boggling my mind. So, tomorrow, I will ask Kevin to fax the proper form. Hopefully I will see my stuff this week!
I had such a designer moment today! Anyone who has gone through my program, or any graphic design program for that matter, will tell you that they are now cursed with a mind that critiques any sort of visual communication that they see. So, today, when Oldest was working on a poster for her science class, I had to bite my tongue at her use of 'Copperplate Gothic' and an underline. It was even worse when she started to make each letter of 'electricity' a different colour… and not in the order they appear in the rainbow. Of course, that's exactly what most 10-year-olds, (including myself, at that age) regard as 'cool' design. Oh well. She's a very clever young lady, but the visual arts are just not her forté.
Tomorrow night is the 4th Wednesday night of the month, which means that there is a rehearsal for the Birmingham Community Gospel Choir! I am going to go out and see if I can join up. I am looking forward to singing in a choir again. Although, I am a little shy to go… I'm not exactly an expert or anything. Stay tuned to learn about how that goes!
ooooh choir!!! that sounds soooo exciting!!!
good luck!!!
ps. why do you always eat lunch not in the house? just to get out or is their food terrible? just curious. i wish i was eating lunch in the pub with you!
Thanks! I'm excited, but also nervous. I like people, but it really sucks to have to meet them. I wish I just knew everybody before I met them so it wouldn't be so awkward.
Their food's good, but I've just been a little lazy with my own cooking lately. Also, it's a good excuse to leave this big house and go out into the world!
I wish you were eating in the pub with me too!
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