Today, I took Middle and Youngest to 'Thinktank', which is a children's science centre. It's pretty cool. They have sections about cities, space, wildlife and the human body. The coolest thing I saw was this thing where you 'help' this doctor in a video perform a hip-surgery. It was disgusting, but really cool. I'll have to go back another time to check out all of the exhibits I missed.
Also, The Mum had asked me to make lasagna for tea. So, I made a yummy sauce with courgettes (zuccini) and onions and tomato sauce and I made a cheese sauce and I layered it all up in a pan and baked it. It turned out really well. But, when The Mum got home, she showed me the frozen lasagna she had defrosted in the fridge!! Man, that would have been so much easier to make. (How much easier? 20x easier.) Oh well. She had tried some of my lasagna and thought 'wow, Marks & Spencer makes a good lasagna' before realizing it was mine. That really made me feel good about my cooking ability.
I had small group tonight! I am really enjoying small group. Not only am I learning more about the Bible and God, but I am making some great friends! I am so thankful that I have an evening like this one to look forward to every week.
Anyways, it is exceedingly late in the evening, or quite early in the morn, so I'm off to the old bedchamber! Fare thee well.
1 comment:
Oooh THAT much easier.
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