Take a look at this photo. Now, I know you are dazzled by my gorgeous smile, radiant hair and stunning beauty, but focus for a moment on the shiny little beauty mark above my lip. Yes, the monroe piercing. Today, I say a teary goodbye to my monroe. You see, this morning, when I went into Middle's room to help her tidy up before school, my monroe stud fell out. I had misplaced my extra jewelery and I have no idea where to purchase a new one around here. I have been a little preoccupied by this loss today. A few minutes ago, I found my extra jewelery, but when I looked in the mirror, I didn't want to put it back in. Oh, monroe, you have been with me for two years and I shall miss you… but I think I like my face without that extra piece of jewellery.
…maybe now I can get a nose ring… or another tattoo…
Tonight, I went out to join one of my church's small groups! A small group is when a few people from church gather at some point during the week to be together. In our group, we will study the Bible, pray for eachother and our world, share about our lives, support eachother, do some outreach in the community and worship God! I am excited to be a part of this group! I will have people to support me as I try to live the way God wants me to and I will support them too! (Also, they will probably become friends! Yay! Friends!)
Anyways, it's pretty late here, so I'm going to turn in. God natt.
awwww....it will be missed.
i SAY more TATTOOS!!!
I agree... I guess you know now that "Norma Jean is not your lover..." [sung to the tune of Billie Jean]
Ha Ha… Punny…
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