
Christmas Photo Album (part 2)

Well, it turns out most of the photos from the Miller side are of these two cuties! Up until a couple of years ago, my brother (now 19) and I (22) were the youngest of the Miller bunch, so it's really fun and exciting to have some little ones around at Christmas. They were both overwhelmed with all of their presents! I gave Tigger some rubber duckies (one dressed like an English 'bobby', one dressed like a Union Jack and one dressed like a palace guard) and he immediately asked his Mom to 'wash' him so he could play with his duckies in the bath. In the end, he was satisfied with using a large bowl full of water. And the little Elf in the second picture is such a sweet little ginger kid! He had fun playing with Tigger's 'Little Tikes' guitar!


Tom|Collver said...

the weather in these pictures is truly CHRISTMASY!!!! Looks like you had a good time :)

sarahtp said...

I did. Aren't my baby cousins soooo cute?