
Wish List

Being a blogger— and a person who has spent the last four years of her life working towards and achieving a degree in graphic design— I spend plenty of time on my computer… mostly surfing the good old interweb. I've noticed that many of my fellow bloggeteers have recently posted their Christmas wish lists for their friends, family and I suppose Santa to peruse.

So, I've posted a list to. And I fully expect each and every item to appear in the coming weeks.

#1. Some new ink. 
I love tattoos. I have 2, but am definitely interested in adding to my collection. I have a design in mind, but am in serious need of the dosh to pay for it.

Beautiful Alphonse-Mucha-inspired tattoo by Lea Rizzo @ http://www.artbylea.com

#2. Yarn. To knit with.
I have this great new hobby that I want to do more of. Yay knitting.

#3. Homemade Cookies. Christmas Toffee.

There are only 2 people who can fulfill this wish for me. They know who they are.

hint hint

#4. Special Dish.
And a movie?!

#5. For the Posse to sing me "Christmas is All Around" with choreography.

#6. For the cousins (and any significant others who are willing… and you all are) to go out dancing at the local Legion.

#7.  For my brother not to wake me up at 6 am on Christmas morning to open my stocking.
Seriously, I'm an adult, I can wait a couple more hours.

#9. Snow. 

#10. Lunch/Dinner/Mani-Pedis/A quick, yet meaningful catch-up over coffee with:
… and YOU!

Get to work loved ones! I'll be home soon so you can shower me with gifts!


Anonymous said...

Hey I don't remember that naughty video in the movie! Love Bill Nighy. Great list - may all your Christmas wishes come true.
Love Mom

Anonymous said...

It's very good I checked your blog... otherwise we wouldn't have a dance to practice. Gah... Sarah, you know what you're doing to us.