
Sleep Eludes Me

In case you happen to be wondering at this very moment, when typed into google, the phrase 'sleep eludes me' brings up hundreds of results.

 Jet-lag continues to turn my night-times into sleepless hours of tossing and turning. yay.

In order to illustrate the current state of my internal clock, I have chosen to include this incredibly helpful info-graphic I found by googling 'jet lag'.

To pass the time, I watched the interview of Joaquin Phoenix on David Letterman and the interview of Billy Bob Thornton on CBC's 'Q'. Both of these events happened last year, but I had never actually seen them for myself. I guess that's just another thing I can cross of my to-do list?

I have prepared my resumés in order to truly begin my job-hunt tomorrow. Yes, I realize that I am currently employed, but I have a few spare hours per week and I can definitely use some more wonga. I am going to inquire about employment at some pubs, a coffee shop and that sweet indoor playground down the street… that is if I happen to be awake tomorrow afternoon.


redhaireddesigner said...

you're off a sleep schedule and i just got back on mine. weird.

ps. what typeface is your blog title?

love you

hope sleep gets easier soooon!!!

sarahtp said...


It's just Didot italic! An old friend from my Type 2 class with Tommo.

redhaireddesigner said...

really. the "v" looks weird but yeah I guess it is. thanks.