
Jet-Lag sucks

I am super jet-lagged. As we speak, it is 12:40am and I am wide awake. —oh, yes!! I just yawned. Okay, I'll make this quick, maybe I can actually get some real sleep tonight.

Monday (my first night back), I took 2 Gravols and an Ibuprofein for my headache… so I slept like a baby. But last night was a different story. I laid down at around 11:00pm only to wake up an hour later. So I watched an episode of 'Misfits'. I tried sleeping again, but my body wasn't having it. After a 3:00am Skype conversation with some beloved friends at home, I tried reading a boring history book, but that didn't seem to work either. I think I fell asleep around 5:00… my alarm went off at 6:30. I woke with a start, wiping drool from my mouth and wondering where I was. It was horrible.

After I treacherous drive through snowy, slushy Birmingham to take the kids to school, I came home and pretty much passed out for a good 3 hours. I was still exhausted after my coma-nap (bahaha, Dane), but I had to get on with my day. And here I am again… after midnight and not asleep.

I had a…memorable time in the car today. After I picked up the children, we took a trip to the grocery store to pick up some veggies and milk. There was no milk… weird. So we tried another store… also no milk. I gave up the search for the time being in order to take Middle to her tutoring session. As we skidded into the tutor's private road, we almost smacked into a lamppost. But due to my ample winter-driving experience, I pumped the break and we slowed enough to be deflected by the curb in front. After we dropped her off, Youngest, Oldest and I headed to the local Texaco station to purchase some moo juice. The selection was quite narrow, but I got a small jug of partly-skimmed for breakfast. As we approached our house, my mobile (cell phone, but you knew that) rang. The Mum asked me to pick up Middle from the tutor, as she was on the train and the Dad was unavailable due to weather-related challenges. So, instead of hanging a right into our driveway, we headed out again across the city. We collected Middle and made our way home. By the time we reached our nice, warm house, we had been in the car almost constantly for 2.5 hrs. Now, I enjoy driving. But being shut in a car with an argumentative pre-teen and a 3-year-old who needed a 'wee' is not exactly my idea of a wicked road-trip.

I gotta get my car radio fixed.

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