

 I got a new job! I know I have mentioned before that The Dad owns and operates a factory that makes some ind of appliance-part-thingy. So, when I mentioned that I wanted a second job, he offered to bring some of his factory work home for me to do. I think it's a good idea, but I'll have to build up my speed in order to make it worth while because I'll be paid by the piece, not by the hour.

Today was my first Mop-Day of 2010. One of my New Year's resolutions is to stop watching day-time television. Consequently, I refrained from watching tv while I vacuumed/swept/mopped/dusted and lo and behold, I was finished cleaning over and hour earlier than usual!!! That darn idiot-box. What a time-waster. I had so much more time today. I had a nice hour-long nap, I had a quiet time and I even played my guitar (for the first time in about 2 months… my fingertips are killing me!) TV is just unnecessary.

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