Here I am on a gloomy Tuesday in Birmingham. To be honest, nothing much has happened in the past couple of days… I watched 'Glee' last night, and today, I spent a few hours at Oxfam. —Oh, today I got my first (and probably only) valentine in the post! Don't get too excited, it was from my Grandma and it also contained a letter that I am quite certain she wrote with the help of either a typewriter or the circa 1991 computer that my Dad gave her… that runs on DOS.
Anyways, because I don't really have anything that interesting for you to read today, I thought I would invite you to peruse some of the things I have been thinking about lately:
1) At small group last week, one of the members said something I have been thinking about all week. We were talking about how we should share our spiritual walk/experiences/faith with others and he said, "At my old job, I tried to concentrate on talking about what Jesus taught. I think the people found it less weird than when I talked about 'what a great church' I went to." At first, I thought "No way, man. Talking about church is way more accessible for people." But after considering it for a while, I agreed with my fellow small-grouper. I remember conversations I have had with non-Christians and how they truly appreciate Jesus as a 'good teacher' and a 'good man' who had lots of 'good things to say' as far as treating other people. Many people can identify with Jesus, but are sometimes freaked out about churches and some of the ways they teach about or worship God. Inside my head, I shouted 'Doh!' a la Homer Simpson. Christianity isn't about what we do at church, it's about Christ (silly Sarah). I will now endeavour to change the way I share… beginning with you.
I've been reading the Gospel of John lately, and one thing that kind of stuck out to me was the verse after the famous John 3:16 (For God loved the world so much that he gave is one and only Son, that everyone who believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life.) John 3:17 "God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him." So, what I got out of this verse was that God sent Jesus to save us from the things we do that ruin us. He didn't send Jesus to condemn us or reject us, but to love us and reunite us with our God… to reunite you with the One that made you!
2) Today, Oldest asked me "Do you know how you know if you're in love with someone?" As usual, I rolled my eyes (to myself) and said "No, how?" Oldest insisted that the way you know you love someone is that you like the way they smell more than anyone else, like it makes you feel safe. (I was instantly whisked back to the olden days, when I would visit my high school true love at his house during the summer he had broken his knee. *sigh* I did like his smell). But my daydream soon ended and I was, like, "WHATtever". So I googled some of the scientific gobbledy-gook she was spouting and I discovered some interesting information about how powerful body odour (not the bad kind) can affect whether or not we are attracted to a potential romantic partner (obviously not so for one couple I know, as the gentleman in the relationship is known for his scent of sweat). One of the things that affects body odour is something called the 'major histocompatibility complex', or MHC. This is a bunch of genes that regulates the immune system. This article says that opposites attract when it comes to smell; humans will choose a partner with a different MHC than them. (Maybe it does work out for that couple I know, because the lady in the relationship usually smells quite clean and nice). This article says that women will only choose a partner who has the correct mix of MHC genes. People have different mixes of MHC genes, so that's why some cologne smells great on your ex-boyfriend and not on your current one…
Well, just some lovey-dovey science for Valentines day, haha.
3) Lately, I have been told that England never really gets a real summer. I am incredibly gloomy about the prospect of having a cloudy, rainy, cold summer. Yuck. I am seriously going to miss Ontario's 35° afternoons on the dock at camp. Why did I ever choose England as my work-holiday destination?!?!?! I guess that's why so many English people go on holiday to hot, sunny locations! It's probably also why the England family want to move to Australia.
The children and I will definitely be having a 'beach day' on their half-term vacation next week. We'll get dressed in our summer clothes, lay out on our beach towels on the heated floor in the kitchen, watch 'Lilo & Stitch', eat ice-cream cones, wear sunglasses… any other suggestions? What did we all do at beach day in highschool?
4) I can't wait until my stupid fringe grows out. Once in a while I manage to style it nicely and it looks quite cute, but I really just want my Katherine Heigl/Disney bangs back. My hair is getting quite nice and long, except for my bangs. Bah! I know, I know, it'll grow back… grrr.

now (ugly fringe) before (gorgeous KH bangs)
…Well, I hope you have enjoyed meandering through the items that have been occupying my mind today. It would be great if you could let me know what you've been thinking about, too. (That way, I feel less like a crazy person.)
I love you! Here's a big kiss for you!
…oh… that's why I don't have a boyfriend…
you are adorable. I would date you. And that smell thing is totally true. It's weird how little kids can sometimes get it sooooo right.
Sarah Patterson is one of the prettiest girls I know! Your fringes are awesome because they were trimmed at 470 Sentinel. So.
I'd love to find out what David's MHC is.
I'm going to take a sample.
Haha. You'll have to email Oldest to get the exact formula for MHCs, haha.
And, actually I do quite like the fringe (thanks for trimming them)… but I like my other bangs better.
P.S. You flatter me!
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