Today was a very interesting day.
This morning, The Dad sat me down to go over my schedule a bit in order to make it more flexible. Later on, after I ventured into the city centre to get myself a railcard! (This will hopefully save me about 30% of the ticket price very time I ride the train!) I also picked up some more wool so I can get working on my Christmas presents.
The Dad has recently unpacked his old turntables and stereo system and this afternoon, he broke out some of his house and dance favourites from the early-to-mid 90's. He had Youngest bouncing around and dancing on the sofa while he told me some stories from his life before having children when he lived all over the world. He told me about partying for 2 days straight in Ibiza (where he has insisted I take my friends next summer) and driving around in the U.S. listening to 'Jagged Little Pill'.
Our plans for visiting Birmingham's Frankfurt Christmas Market were drowned by some regular old English rain. So I'll have to hit the market next week. Instead, I finished up some plans for tomorrow (I'm going to Liverpool with a couple friends) and then rented 'The Boat that Rocked' aka 'Pirate Radio', which I thoroughly enjoyed, especially the soundtrack.
More later, after my trip to the birthplace of one of the greatest rock bands EVER: The Beatles.
'It's been a hard day's night and I've been working like a dog,
It's been a hard days night! I should be sleeping like a log,
But when I get home to you, I find the things that you do,
Will make me feel alright!'
hahahaha woot woot.... what kind of beatles are you going to see?
Who are "The Beetles"? Quote, un quote.
I am going to ignore that genuinely ignorant question.
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