
Mop-Day #8

Woah, these Mondays really tire me out! *yawn* Middle was home sick today, but I barely saw her for all of my cleaning and ironing! Oldest got a cupcake recipe book for her birthday, so they've been baking like mad! Today, they made delicious malt cupcakes with Marshmallow icing (my favourite so far)! I shall have to borrow the book for the holidays and make some.

I have been having tons of fun with youngest lately! He loves to be tickled and he just breaks out in fits of giggles any time I 'chase' him! I have learned lots of ways to cheer him up when he is upset and how to distract him in order to get him to let me clean his teeth or feed him his greens. He's such a cutie!

I went down to the pub tonight with Gail and a few people from Oasis. It was really fun to sit around and chat with them. We just talked about everything from Princess Diana's dodgy death to puberty videos to American accents to Jamie Oliver. It was a lovely evening!

1 comment:

the Mom said...

Yeah for Love Actually. Sarah you have to check out that director's latest offering - Pirate Radio - The Boat that Rocked - OMG it's so much fun we loved it. Rock ON