
A Cozy Sunday

Today, I slept in 'til noon! I haven't done that in months! I spent the rest of the day sitting around, watching TV, reading and knitting. I finally finished that tea cozy! It is fully functional, albeit rather lumpy and quite a bit too big for the teapot the England family has. But it is an excellent prototype for tea cozies to come!

I went to the evening service at church tonight, which is quite a bit smaller than the morning service. The message tonight was on Jonah 3, in which God asks Jonah (after the ordeal with the fish) again to go to Ninevah and give the people a message from God. So, Jonah goes to the city to tell them "In 40 days, Ninevah will be destroyed!" Seriously that's all there is! No details about how it would be destroyed or how the destruction could be stopped. But then, all of the people in Ninevah turned away from their ruinous ways of life and mourned for their lives and their city (the text says that even the animals had to mourn). It's just amazing the way that the whole city, including the King, believed God's message right away! And God, being loving and forgiving and full of compassion did not carry out the destruction he had threatened. He forgave the Ninevites. This message is great, because it illustrates God's desire for everyone to know Him and to know truth. It's not just a select group of people with enough money or anything, it's everyone.

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