
I'll be home for Christmas…

(a shot of Newmarket's Main St @ Christmas time!)

So, I am REALLY excited to go home for Christmas. I will totally miss all my friends here, but man, am I looking forward to seeing my posse and my family and maybe even seeing some snow?!

I have been preparing for Christmas for the past few weeks, gathering gifts, making a list of the yummy British biscuits and chocolate I want to bring home to share and listening to Christmas music. I have even tried playing a few Christmas carols on my guitar. Tonight, I will start packing my bag (I know it's a bit early for that, but I can't help it!)

Last night, both The Mum and The Dad were very late getting home from work. I think there is something going on with the traffic lights and/or trains because the traffic has been extra horrendous for the past couple of days. That left me home alone with the children until about 20:00 (we use military time over here). I had some trouble with Middle, but Youngest was being quite good! He let me read to him and give him a bath and he went to sleep so easily! The Dad got home in time to say goodnight to Youngest before he drifted off to sleep and Youngest said that he missed me. Sooo cute! I mean, obviously he didn't actually miss me (I put him to bed 10 minutes earlier), but it is nice to have FINALLY built up a relationship with him. One down, two to go!! The girls are going to be much harder, I fear!

(Me and Stefa around this time last year!)

I am off to London town tomorrow to visit Stefa! It should be a good time… stay tuned for more!


Unknown said...

Hey Sarah!
Look forward to seeing you at Christmas. Hope you can join us for a visit on the 23rd. We'll send out a formal Open House invite soon.
Safe travels home!
Phil, Dale, Troy & Casey

Unknown said...

Hey Sarah!
Look forward to seeing you at Christmas. Hope you can join us for a visit on the 23rd. We'll send out a formal Open House invite soon.
Safe travels home!
Phil, Dale, Troy & Casey

Melody said...

I love you please come back home