
Pardon my French!

Demain, j'irai à Paris! Oui, c'est vrai! Je suis excitée!

Oh man, I hope my French holds up this weekend for my trip (although I am told everyone can speak English in Paris). I am a little embarrassed that my ability to speak French is so limited… especially since I 'studied' French in school for 10 years!!! I guess I know the important things:

Ou est la salle de bain? Where is the bathroom?

Combien?How much?

Je suis désolé— je parle seulement un peu de francais. I'm sorry— I speak only a little French.

Parlez-vous anglais?Do you speak English?

And don't forget your manners:

S'il vous plait et merciPlease and thank you!

Bonne nuit!

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