

Despite my tendency to champion such prestigious products as my MacBook Pro and my MEC backpack, I've never been much of a 'designer addict'. In fact, I am usually thrilled to search through racks and racks of second-hand clothes at Value Village or pick up my necessary appliances at the garage sale around the corner. I'm not afraid to wear cheaper Ugg-like boots instead of the real thing and I rarely shell out piles of cash for brand-name jeans.

But… when it comes to day-planners, there is only one that provides me with all of my scheduling and note-taking needs. Last week, as I began my job-search, I purchased a Moleskine day-planner. It's not often I wax lyrical about something I have bought, so bare with me. Here are some reasons why I love my new Moleskine day-planner.

1. My planner goes from July 2010- December 2011.

2. My planner has full-month calendars for each month AND it fits a whole week onto one page.

3. My planner has a ruler inside!

4. My planner even has a page that converts North American sizes to European sizes and UK sizes!

5. My planner has a full ruled page on every spread for notes.

6. My planner has an address book and a pocket in the back!

7. My planner has a bookmark and an elastic to hold it shut.

Now, many of my contemporaries have strayed from writing things down to entering their appointments and important notices into their iPhones, Blackberries and other PDAs. But as I discussed with Garrett earlier this week, I think there is still value in the analog way of life. Plus, I remember stuff better if I physically write it.

Anyway, Moleskines are great.

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