

Today, I found the perfect treasure to liven up this gloomy, grey day: my grade 11 'digital yearbook'. I think this is probably the first time I have ever taken a good look at it. Of course, it is not compatible with my MacBook Pro, but I could view the pictures using my web browser. It's hilarious that photos taken only 7 years ago can look so dated. It's really interesting to look back at those photos viewing myself and my friends so differently now than I did back then. Anyways, enjoy!

Here I am (2nd from the left) sitting across from Kayla at 'Peer Helpers' training. We weren't yet friends when this picture was taken. I used to dress like a poser.

Meghan thinks something is HILARIOUS at Peer Helpers.

This is a GREAT shot of me and Andrew at Music Banquet. Hot.

Here is a pic of Meghan and Jason at Semi-Formal. This is less than a year into their 7-year relationship. Look how YOUNG Jason looks!

Sweet. Look at my short hair! I had a nice duck tail goin' on. P.S. That jacket has a bedazzled mustang on the back.

Awesome shot of me and Mel (far right) at Semi-Formal. I hardly recognize us!

Stef and a friend reading in the library. Woah, she looks so different now!

Finally, here I am with a tall, dark and handsome stranger at Semi. Haha. Love the hair.

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