
For Short

So over here across the pond, they speak a different kind of English to us Canadians. I'm sure I have mentioned before some of the alternate words they use.
For example:
elevator = lift
truck = lorry
pants = trousers
underwear = pants (pants is a tricky word over here)

In addition to their alternate vocabulary, the Brits also have a different set of rules for nicknames or short-forms of names. I have met or heard of Jez (Jeremy), Chezza (Cheryl), Kazza (Karen), Gaz (Gareth), Chaz (Charlie) and Shazza (Sharon). In Canada, these peeps might be called Jer, Cher, Kar, Gary, Charlie (which is already a nickname, isn't it?) and… Sharon. But over here, they take names with an 'r' and add some 'z's'. Strange?

If I were English, people might call me Sezza or Sez… do we like this?!

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