
October Part 2

Oh my goodness! I really need to get caught up!

Hmmm… let me think back a few weeks…

Okay, okay. So the next big event in my life after Thanksgiving was Kayla's big race. She had been training since June for the Toronto Goodlife Marathon. She had been dedicating hours and hours each week to training her body to run the incredibly long distance of 42.2 kilometres! Now that I have started running myself, I can appreciate what a difficult feat it is to push your body to work so hard for so long!

Meg, Jay and I were right there with Kayla to support her on her race. We drove up to Young and Sheppard to catch her at the 1k mark. We had made two signs, one reading 'Posse Love Kayla' (bahaha Arrested D inside joke) and one that read 'Run Kayla Run!' She looked so excited to see us! After she passed us, we tried, to no avail, to find a MacDonalds for breakfast. We stupidly drove all the way down to Queen's Quay in an attempt to catch Kayla on her big lollipop loop— but the traffic was so bad that Meg and I hopped out to pursue the marathoners on foot while Jason tried to drive back to their house. Meg and I caught Kay at Front St. before we scramble to Starbucks to buy a banana (to help Kayla with her Lactic Acid build-up) before booking it down to the Ex. We caught Kayla close to the end of her epic race, near the 34k mark. To be honest, she looked a little rough— she must have been so exhausted by that point! She looked a little cheered after she saw her girls rooting for her, though. It was just before this point that I realized that the majority of the runners had their names printed in bold under their numbers on their bibs. Naturally, I began cheering for each runner by name, shouting out 'Wooooo! Go Jennifer! Go Michael! Go Enrique!' Most runners seemed very encouraged by this! I received many grateful smiles and even a few hoarse 'Thank yous'. Later, Kayla's running buddies told me that most runners really appreciate the encouragement.

Meghan and I raced back to Spadina and hopped on a streetcar in an effort to make it up to Queen's Park before Kayla. And although we ran from the streetcar stop right to the finish line, we just missed her! Jason caught her, though. He even ran alongside the race to the very end! Kayla finished her 42.2k at a very admirable 4 hours and 28 minutes! We are all so proud of her! She received a medal the size of a plate, which she had engraved with her name and race time. What an inspiration! A couple of years ago, she didn't run at all and now she has a marathon under her belt! *sigh* when I grow up, I want to run a marathon like Kayla!

The next week started to get really busy at work, as we prepared for production. I knew that I'd be at work late, and I was definitely preparing myself for long hours… but I had thought that my coworkers were exaggerating when they said that we'd be there until 2 or 3 am. They weren't. I worked seven 16 hour days in a row that week (including my weekend). Now, you may be thinking 'gosh— stop whining!' or 'oh man, now she's going to complain about her job', but in reality, I kinda like working those long hours. Although they are stressful and busy, I enjoy my work and I work with a bunch of people who are just fun to be around. I don't really know them that well, yet, but I am always giggling at something they say. Production also reminds me of being back at school in the labs with Kyle and Tom, listening to 'Home for a Rest' by Spirit of the West every hour on the hour… *sigh* good times.

After Production, I had a couple days off in lieu of the overtime I worked, which I spent catching up on sleep and preparing for the upcoming SNAP Halloween party. Unfortunately, attending my work party meant that I'd miss out on Meg and Jay's Housewarming/Halloween bash down at the Euc. I was pretty disappointed that my work party was scheduled on the same day, but I decided that it would probably be a good idea to hang out with my work colleagues in a more relaxed context. I ended up having a pretty good time! There were some great costumes: Rhett and Scarlet O'Hara, Ronnie from Jersey Shore, The Mad Hatter, Scott Hamilton, the Terminator and— my favourite— a Double Rainbow! 

I got to know my coworkers a little better and I met some new people too… one attractive young gentleman even asked for my number! I was having a good time, but things started getting a little messy around 12:30, so I went home to my nice, warm (and quiet) bed. Oh yeah— I forgot to tell you about MY costume! I was Medusa. I looked GREAT! I got a bunch of plastic snakes, which I painted gold. Then, I made a crown out of floral wire and I wired my snakes to the crown. I curled my hair with a small-barrel curling iron. When I put the crown on, I covered the wire bits with my hair. I wrapped myself in a toga, strapped on my gladiator sandals, a gold chain belt and lined my eyes with black and gold before heading over to the party! It was another awesome Halloween costume.

OMG, something clearly went wrong with the uploading of these photos… oops!

Also, these are my amazing parents on Halloween night, getting ready for the Trick or Treaters:

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