I'm so glad Luke liked 'Two Door Cinema Club', they're one of my favourites too! He suggested I lend an ear to these groups:
Nickel Creek — When in Rome
Rusted Root — Send Me On My Way
The Vespers — Tell Your Mama
Elliott Brood — Oh Alberta
I really enjoyed all these artists— especially Elliott Brood and Nickel Creek. I listened to Nickel Creek all morning as I made pizza dough and did some cleaning around the house.
Happy Family Day! (Just to keep you in the loop if you are from outside of Ontario, 'Family Day' is a provincial holiday here when we are supposed to spend time with our families).
What did you do with your family?
I just returned from spending a sunny long weekend with friends and family in our nation's capital. Saturday, I went to see 'Lucky Ron' (a local Ottawa celebrity) with a collection of my cousins and others at 'The Laff' in the Byward Market, followed by some authentic Mexican cuisine at 'Discoteka'. Then I met up with some friends at a 'Bridgehead' (a coffee shop they only have in Ottawa) for some Beau's coffee-flavoured beer. Sunday, I went along to church at St. Albans with my cousin, Sascha. After church, we had some homemade soup for lunch before we headed to meet friends from camp and some more family members at the canal for skating… well, that was the plan, anyway. Due to the weird winter weather, the canal was closed all weekend, to my shagrin. Plan B was to skate at city hall, but that turned out to be unworkable as well. We ended up savouring some delicious Beaver tails in the Market before finding a spot to hang out and catch up at a pub.
After some spicy wings and hot chocolate, Sascha and I headed to the cinema to see 'The Vow'. To be honest, I wasn't really excited about seeing this film, but I actually really enjoyed it. It's a drama, based on a true story, about the challenges a couple faces when Rachel McAdams' character suffers some memory loss after she and her husband (Channing Tatum) are in a car accident. I was pleasantly surprised at Tatum's performance— his portrayal of a husband who drops his whole life to try and get his wife back just broke my heart. I also liked that this film is kind of from the man's perspective in the relationship— usually romantic films sympathize with the woman's point of view. The ending, as Sascha put it, is quite unsettling and unresolved, but I think that's one of it's strengths. It reminded me of one of my favourite movies, Love Actually, in that the ending isn't a big Hollywood conclusion where all the loose ends are tied up and everyone lived happily ever after. It was truer to life than most big-budget films. One exciting part of 'The Vow' is that parts of it were filmed right here in Newmarket, at 'Southlake Regional Health Centre'. It was cool to recognize part of my town on the big screen. Anyway, I recommend it.
Before heading back home to Newmarket, we stopped in Almonte to have lunch with my Aunt Doris— yummy tortellini soup! On the long car-ride home, I talked music with my cousin Luke. He told me that he needed some new music to listen to, so Luke, here's a playlist just for you: